What is Miso?
Miso is a fermented paste that’s made of soybeans with a mold called koji.
Its most popular use is probably the Japanese dish, Miso Soup. Miso is a household item in Japan. It gives a salty Umami flavour.
Is it good for you?
Yes! To begin with it is rich in nutrients.
1tbsp contains:
- 30kcal / 128kj
- 2.0g protein
- 0.9g fat
- 3.5g carbohydrate
- 0.63mg iron
- 0.49mg zinc
- 5mcg folate
- 1.37g salt
It promotes vitamin levels, containing a wide range of B vitamin levels. These B vitamins help support the nervous system. They can also boost your energy levels.
It supports gut health. Due to the fermentation process, Miso contains high levels of probiotics. Probiotics help reduce inflammation, digestion and a healthy immune system.
The probiotics boost your immunity and reduce the amount of harmful bacteria. It can also help you recover quicker from sickness.
The link between the gut and the brain means having a healthy gut can support brain health. It may improve cognitive health such as anxiety and depression and improve memory.